Duo - Multifactor Authentication

Duo MFA to Microsoft MFA (For Employees)

SUNY Cortland Faculty and Staff will be switching from Duo MFA to Microsoft MFA in Spring 2025. To review the switchover schedule or the announcement to campus, please use the links below:

Schedule: https://cortland.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/2298/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=50095

Campus Announcement: https://cortland.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/2298/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=155631

SUNY Cortland uses a two-factor authentication solution called Duo to help protect your SUNY Cortland account. Your first factor of authentication is your username and password. Your second factor is Duo. Duo prevents anyone but you from accessing your account, even if they know your password.

You have a choice of what authentication method you will use. You need at least one method. Whenever possible, we recommend setting up a backup method in case your primary Duo method is unavailable.

  1. Duo Mobile Smartphone App Method: The "Duo Mobile" app can be installed on iOS, Android, and Windows smartphones. To install the app on your smartphone, search in your appropriate app store for "Duo Mobile" by Duo Security, Inc. Look for the square green icon with DUO in white letters. When signing in you will have the options to “Send Me a Push” or “Enter a Passcode.” Both options require the smartphone app.
  2. Text Message Passcode Method: Duo sends a text message to your pre-registered phone number with single use passcodes that you must enter on the screen where you are logging in. This method will work on any phone that can receive text messages.
  3. Phone Call Method: Duo calls your pre-registered phone number. When you answer the phone call you will be prompted to verify you are logging into your account. This method will work with all cell phones and landlines, including your desk phone. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer the Phone Call Method to students.
  4. USB Token Method: A USB token must be inserted into the Windows or Mac OS computer that you are using to log in. Duo will prompt you to press the button on the USB token to confirm you are trying to log in. USB tokens only work with a supported browser (Safari, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox).
  5. TouchID: Is a fingerprint reader on MacOS devices. When prompted, use your fingerprint to authenticate. TouchID does not work with Respondus Lockdown browser.