How do I setup a back-up Duo authentication method?

To add a second device, you need to be prompted for a Duo authentication. You may have the "remember me" option enabled on your preferred browser, so in order to force Duo to prompt you to authenticate, either use a private/incognito tab on your preferred browser, or use a browser you have not signed in to before. 

1. Sign in to myRedDragon.

2. Before you authenticate with Duo, select the Settings menu in the upper right hand corner.


3. Select Add a new device

4. Before adding a new device, you will be prompted to authenticate using your current device

5. Select the device type you want to add and follow the prompts to enroll your new device.

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Article ID: 126826
Fri 1/29/21 2:54 PM
Mon 10/4/21 4:03 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

SUNY Cortland uses a two-factor authentication solution called Duo to help protect your SUNY Cortland account. Your first factor of authentication is your username and password. Your second factor is Duo. Duo prevents anyone but you from accessing your account, even if they know your password.