Popular Services
Online hardware/software ordering system for new Hardware or Software
Cisco Webex is an app used for video conferencing, online meetings, screen share, and webinars.
Design Help is your go to team for designing courses using supported tools on campus.
Access to Cortland's internal systems and services from off-campus using Cisco AnyConnect VPN or Cloudflare WARP client (pilot).
Course Teacher Evaluations are a way for students to evaluate the course as a student, and offer comments and suggestions for its continued improvement. Responses are kept anonymous and are not linked to students' identification in any manner. Students' NetID, C Number, and name are never exposed to a faculty member when they review Course Teacher Evaluation Responses.
Login for MyRedDragon, SUNY Cortland's portal for students, faculty, and staff.
Online scheduling system used by Faculty/Staff to reserve spaces on campus.
Campus Communicator is a custom messaging system, designed by and for SUNY Cortland. It gives students, faculty, and staff the power to select which types of email get delivered directly to their inbox. Senders will be able “tag” their messages with categories to be delivered to the appropriate audiences while recipients can subscribe to the categories to customize their email deliveries. In addition, all email sent campus-wide via Communicator will be combined into a single message delivered at the end of the day, called a digest email. Email sent using Communicator will also be posted in the Home tab of myRedDragon and can be included on departmental web pages.
SUNY Cortland uses a two-factor authentication solution called Duo to help protect your SUNY Cortland account. Your first factor of authentication is your username and password. Your second factor is Duo. Duo prevents anyone but you from accessing your account, even if they know your password.
Memorial Library offers faculty the option to to place course materials on reserve for short term loan periods.
Provides student access to Brightspace using specialized roles for students. The TA/GA initiates the form and the faculty member approves the role of the student.
Hardware that is no longer needed or functional may be formally removed from campus inventory and properly disposed.
Used to submit requests for library materials needed for your classes, such as e-Books and/or educational videos. Please check our catalog before submitting your request.
Banner is a higher education industry-standard student information system. Banner is used to store, manage, retrieve, and protect student records and information
Our campus uses Cisco Finesse for office call center queues
If you need forms for co-instructor authorization or for students to audit your Brightspace course, please find them on the Registrar Office homepage.