Donate items to Library

Memorial Library welcomes donations that support the curricula of SUNY Cortland
programs. Please review our gift policy before completing the related form.

Donors are strongly encouraged to review our criteria for donations and to set up an
appointment for the transfer of materials. All materials accepted become the property of the
library without restrictions by the donor. When items do not meet our criteria, they will be donated
to Better World Books or a similar charitable program.

The Library does not perform financial appraisals of donated materials. Donors should speak
with their tax accountant or attorney about the possibility of a tax deduction for the donation
of material to the Library. If requested, an acknowledgement letter is sent to the donor.



Donate items to Library


Service ID: 51269
Thu 5/5/22 11:46 AM
Thu 5/5/22 1:59 PM