Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) is a communication platform and part of the Microsoft 365 family of products. MS Teams is a modern, responsive application that is accessible on desktop, mobile, and the web. It provides shared file storage, chat, video conferencing as well as many other features. 

Summer 2023 Change Description 

MS Teams without activity in the last 365 days will expire. The owners of these teams will be contacted via email and given a link to re-activate the Team. Any activity within the Team will also reset the expiration timer. More details can be found in our knowledge base. 

Microsoft Teams is the recommended service for non-academic collaboration.

  • All non-academic groups, administrative training, collaborative groups and committee work will be advised to use MS Teams.  

  • Any group (academic or not) with non-SUNY Cortland users, will be advised to use MS Teams.