Teams - Add Members to a Team

When creating a team there is the opportunity to invite members to the team. You can also invite new members later, after the team has been formed. Additionally, you are able to send members of your organization a code so they can join a team.

Invite people from SUNY Cortland When Creating a Team

  1. In the Name field enter the name of the org member, starting with their first name.
    You can also enter Group names to add all members to the team. Contact list names will not work.
  2. A list of people with matching names will be shown
    Screenshot of Add members box
  3. Click on the desired person from the list shown, their name will be shown in the blank field
  4. Choose Add to add them to the team
    (If you did not want to add them to the team, select the ‘x’ next to their name to delete the name selection.)

    Add members field

Add Guests from outside SUNY Cortland (no email address)

  1. Enter the e-mail address of the member in the name field
  2. Click Add [email] as a guest
    Add outside members
  3. When the email address is in the name field click on the pencil icon to edit the screen name of the invitee
    NOTE: This is the only opportunity to change the screen name of a guest
    Edit screen name
  1. Select the X to delete the changes, select the check mark to accept the changes
    Edited screen name
  1. Click Add to invite the person to the team.

Add members after the team is formed

After the team has been created new members can still be added either by adding them manually or sending them a code to join the team.

Add members manually

  1. Next to the team name select the More Options (…) button
  2. From the menu choose Add Member
    Add Member button


  1. Follow the directions above for organization member or guests


Send a Join Code

Please note that only potential members within your organization can use a Join code, guests are not able to join a team this way, they must be added manually.

  1. Select the More Options (…) button next to the team name
  2. Choose Manage Team from the menu
    More Options menu
  3. Select the Settings tab
  4. On the Settings tab choose the option for Team Code
    Team Settings tab
  5. Click the Generate button to create a code
    A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated with medium confidence
  6. Send the code to organization members so they can join the team.


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Article ID: 145820
Fri 5/19/23 11:12 AM
Mon 5/22/23 1:33 PM

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Microsoft Teams is a communication platform and part of the Microsoft 365 family of products. It allows for video calling, chat, and collaboration.