Groups: Grading Group Assignments

Grading A Group Assignment

To grade a group assignment, you will click on the New Submission from the Assignments tool.


When the submission opens up, you will grade it as you would any other assignment. You can leave feedback also. Be sure to click Publish at the bottom of the page. 



Adjusting Grades For Different Group Members

Students will not be able to see other group members’ grades but will see the feedback given to the group. If you have created a group assignment and you would like to grade it but give different group members different grades you can follow these instructions.

Go to the Grades tool in the NAvBar and select the drop down menu next to the title of the assignment. In the menu select Enter Grades.


When the new page opens up, make the adjustments to students grades 


Be sure to click Save and Close at the bottom of the page.

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