Connect to Remote Desktop Gateway

While using the WARP client, you must use the Remote Desktop Gateway Before you connect to a computer using the Remote Desktop.
Any computer you are connecting to must be requested in advance using this form


To connect to SUNY Cortland desktop PCs via our Remote Desktop Gateway (, the RDP client must configured to use the RD Gateway.

  1. Windows RDP Client
  2. Mac RDP Client

Configure Remote Desktop Connection on Windows to use

Go to Start -> Windows Accessories ->Remote Desktop Connection

Click Show Options

Remote Desktop Connection window. Computer. Blank box to enter computer name. Username: None specified. The computer name field is blank. Enter a full remote computer name. Arrow pointing to Show Options. Button for Connect and Help.


Go to the Advanced tab then Settings

Remote Desktop Connection window. Arrow pointing to Advanced tab. Server authentication. Connect from anywhere. Arrow pointing to Settings... button.


Select “Use these RD Gateway server settings:” Add to server name field

Uncheck "Bypass RD Gateway server for local addresses"

At the bottom of this window check “Use my RD Gateway credentials for the remote computer”

Then click OK to close window

RD Gateway Server Settings window. Connection settings. Radial button selected. Use these RD Gateway server settings: Server name: Logon method: Allow me to select later. Checkbox unchecked. Bypass RD Gateway server for local addresses. Logon settings. User name: none specified. You will be asked for credentials when you connect to this RD Gateway server. Checkbox checked. Use my RD Gateway credentials for the remote computer. OK and Cancel buttons.


Under the General tab enter computer name you want to connect too then click connect

Remote Desktop Connections window. General tab selected. Logon settings. Enter the name of the remote computer. Computer: Username: You will be asked for credentials when you connect. Allow me to save credentials. Connection Settings. Save the current connection settings to an RDP file or open a saved connection. Button Save, Save As..., Open... Button to hide options. Connect button. Help button.

Configure Microsoft Remote Desktop on Mac to use

Open the command menu and select Preferences

Microsoft Remote Desktop on Mac, command menu

In Preferences, select Gateways. Create a new gateway named (friendly name "far"). In the drop-down menu for User Account, select Use PC User Account.

Microsoft Remote Desktop on Mac, Gateway Preferences

Create a new PC connection, or edit an existing one. In the drop-down menu for Gateway, select the gateway you just created.

Microsoft Remote Desktop on Mac, PC connection settings

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Article ID: 151581
Wed 5/29/24 2:51 PM
Fri 10/11/24 10:46 AM

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