Private Discussions in Brightspace Replaces Journals and Blogs
Instructors can use the Brightspace Discussions tool for one-on-one, private journaling or Blogs between instructor and individual student. In order to set up a Discussion for this, you’ll need to create groups of one student each. Then you will create a discussion for those single-user groups. The groups tool automates this process
Create Single User Groups
In your course, navigate to the Course Tools, select Groups
- Select New Category and give your category a name. (To easily distinguish between other multi-user groups when setting up discussion areas, use a specific, descriptive category name such as “Private Journal” or similar.)
- Add a description if desired.
- Under Enrollment Type, choose “Single user, member-specific groups”.
- For Restrict Enrollments, select “No restrictions” (unless the private discussion is only for a select group within the course)
- Edit any Advanced Properties and Additional Options to suit your preferences:
- Create Workspace: Select and check "Set up discussion area"
- Select a previously made Forum or CREATE a new one by selecting [New Forum], fill in title and description if needed, SAVE
- Select "Create New Topic" or add to an existing topic if needed.
- This process will take a few minutes to generate the groups, and will notify you when complete.
- Create Restricted Topics:
- Select "Create one Topic with Threads separated by group"
- Select Create and Save or Add Another based on your preference
- Done
You will see this Forum added to your Discussion area in your course.
Enable Grading for Private Discussions
Navigate to the Discussion Area in your course.
- Scroll to the Topic for your Private Discussion, select the dropdown arrow and select Edit Topic.
- Edit any grading criteria for this assignment:
- Grade out of
- Visibility
- Availability Dates & Conditions
- Post & Completion
- Evaluation & Feedback
- Save and Close