Inside your course in Brightspace, select Grades in the NavBar at the top of the page.

When the Grades page opens up, select Schemes at the top of the page.

Next, when this pages opens up, select More Actions, then select Copy.

When the next page opens, scroll down to find the Cortland (COR) Grading Scheme, select the button next to it. Then scroll down and select Copy.

You will then scroll to the bottom of the page and select Copy of COR - Grading Scheme

When the next page opens, give your Scheme a Name, a Short Name, and then edit your grade ranges as you wish.

If you need more ranges, you can add the number of ranges you need and click Add Ranges.

When finished, click Save and Close.

You can now find your custom Grade Schemes at the bottom of the page.

To apply this scheme to the class you need to Edit your settings by going to the Set Up Wizard.

Scroll to the bottom and Start the Set-up wizard. You will want to choose Continue until you arrive at Step 4 of 7.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and choose your scheme under Course Schemes and choose Continue.

Choose Continue 2 more times to arrive at the end of the Set-up Wizard and then choose Finish to save the changes.

Your new Scheme has now been applied to your Grade Book!