Turnitin: Quick Submit
Quick Submit through Turnitin is for Instructors that would like to check single submissions for plagiarism and get an Originality Report in electronic format that DO NOT have Turnitin enabled for their assignment. Turnitin in Brightspace replaces SafeAssign in Blackboard. This article guides you through the steps to submit OUTSIDE of Brightspace.
Create a Turnitin Account associate with your SUNY ID
Navigate to Turnitin.com and select Login

Select: Forgot your password? Click here

Fill in your Cortland email and Last Name or Family Name

You will receive an email from Turnitin with a link to reset your password. Follow those instructions.
After you reset your password, your will receive a confirmation of the password reset.
Return to Turnitin.com, and select Login and use your Cortland email and the password you just set up.
After you are logged into Turnitin, select User Info

In the Account Settings area, select YES from the Activate Quick Submit drop-down menu and Submit at the end of the page.

The quick submit tab will appear on the instructor homepage, making the quick submit inbox available for use.

Login to Turnitin.com
Select the Quick Submit option.

Select the databases that the submitted paper or papers will be checked against.
*The available sources are:
- Billions of web-pages from active sites and archived internet pages that may have been removed
- previous submissions to the global Turnitin database
- A comprehensive collection of journals, periodicals, and publications
- If purchased, a private database of submissions made to your institution

*Note: At least one search option must be chosen.
From the 'Submit Papers to:' drop-down box , choose which repository you'd like the papers you are submitting to be stored in. If you would like future papers to not match against the file you will upload, choose No Repository.
Continue to the paper submission page by selecting the Submit button.
You are now able to upload to Turnitin using any of the methods you'll already be familiar with. You can upload a single file, upload a zip file containing multiple papers, or cut-and-paste.
On the class homepage, click on the More actions link next to the Paper assignment that you would like to submit to and select Submit paper.

If needed, select Single File Upload from the Submit drop down menu. File upload is the default submission type for new users.

Fill in required information fro the student submission:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Submission Title
Select one of the submission buttons and then locate the file you would like to upload.

Click Upload to upload this file.
The upload will begin processing on the submission preview page and will indicate the upload progress of the selected file. Once the file is processed the first page of the file will be displayed.
Once the paper has been uploaded, the first page of the paper being submitted is displayed. Review the text to confirm the correct file was selected. Use the arrows above the document preview to check any further pages in the document.

To complete the file upload, click on the Confirm button at the bottom of the page. If the wrong file was loaded, click on Cancel and re-submit with the correct file.
Once the submission is complete, the digital receipt is displayed. The submission ID on the digital receipt is a unique number assigned to this submission. A copy of the digital receipt is available for download within the Turnitin Viewer print option.

Click Go to assignment inbox to view the list of current student submissions, or click Submit another file to continue submitting as a student.
Instructors are able to upload a zip file of papers to a Turnitin assignment. The zip file may be any size up to 200MB and contain up to 1000 individual files. If the zip file exceeds either limit it will be rejected.
In uploading zip files, you are advised to ensure that no unacceptable file types are contained within the zip file and to be careful of duplicate copies of the same file within the zip file. Turnitin will attempt to detect duplicate or invalid files and warn you of any duplicate or unacceptable files.
Note: All files must be unique within a .zip file upload.
On the class homepage, click on the More actions link next to the Paper assignment that you would like to submit to and select Submit paper.

Select Zip file upload from the choose a paper submission method: pull down menu. Single file upload is the default submission type for new users.

Click on Choose File and select the zip file that will be uploaded then Upload

Click Upload to load the zip file and view the list of papers. A status bar indicating upload progress should be shown. Once uploaded the paper will be redirected to the File Submission Preview page.
Once your zip file has been successfully uploaded, the individual files within the zip file will appear in the File Submission Preview list.
Once your first file has been successfully uploaded, the file will appear within the File Submission Preview list.
Enter the title for the paper. If no paper title is entered, the title defaults to the file name for the submitted file
Files can be excluded from the submission by removing the check from the check box to the left of the file name under the Submit column.
Once the files to submit from the zip file have been selected and (if needed) assigned name and title information, you must click on Submit to continue the upload of papers into the assignment.
A confirmation screen will be shown listing all file names, author names, Email user profiles, and submission titles. Any fields containing Anonymous or Not Entered are not required, but may be set by using the Go back button to return to the previous screen
Click Submit to finalize the zip file upload into the assignment. Otherwise, click Go back to make any necessary amendments. A progress bar will display the remaining time for the upload.
The cut and paste submission option allows users to submit information from non-supported word processors or file types, or to only submit specific parts or areas of a document that may need an Originality Report generated.
Please note that only text can be submitted via the cut and paste method - any graphics, graphs, images, and formatting are lost when pasting into the text submission box.

Select Cut and paste from the Submit Paper: pull down menu. Single file upload is the default submission type.

Fill in required information fro the student submission:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Submission Title
Copy and paste the selected text into the text box.
Click on Upload to submit the text.
Once the submission is complete, the digital receipt is displayed. The submission ID on the digital receipt is a unique number assigned to this submission. A copy of the digital receipt is available for download within the Turnitin Viewer print option.

Click Go to assignment inbox to view the list of current student submissions, or click Submit another file to continue submitting as a student.
Once a submission is completed, Similarity Report icons will appear for a submission after the report has generated. You must refresh the view of the quick submit inbox for the icons to appear if a report has generated while the instructor is viewing the quick submit inbox. The quick submit inbox works just like an assignment inbox.