Test/Quiz Question Generator for Brightspace
Thanks to Algonquin College, for sharing this free tool. The Quiz/Test Question Generator provides an easy way of creating a collection of questions that can be imported into Brightspace quizzes and pools, saving you time in the process.
Link to tool: Test/Quiz Question Generator
Question Types & Formatting
Multiple Choice w/ Example
- Question on a single line, no paragraph returns.
- Answers immediately following the question.
- Asterisk (*) in front of the correct choice.
1) Which of the following is a prime number?
a) 4
*b) 5
c) 6
Multiple Answer w/ Example
- The same as multiple choice, only with multiple answers marked correct.
- Question on a single line, no paragraph returns.
- Answers immediately following the question.
- Asterisk (*) in front of all correct choices.
1. Which of the following is a prime number?
*a) 2
*b) 3
d) 4
*e) 5
f) 6
*g) 7
True/False w/ Example
- Question on a single line, no paragraph returns.
- Answers immediately following the question.
- Asterisk (*) in front of the correct choice.
1) 3 is a prime number.
Essay/Written Response w/ Example
- This is a written response question, with no correct answer (it will need to be graded manually).
1. Tell me your life story.
Fill in the Blank w/ Example
- Begin your question with the keyword: blank.
- Leave a blank somewhere in the question.
- List all of the possible correct answers.
blank 1. Two plus two equals _____.
a) four
b) 4
Matching w/ Example
- Begin your question with the keyword: match.
- Question on the same line, no paragraph returns.
- Separate each matching pair with a "/".
match 1. Match the number with its spelling.
a) 3 / three
b) 1 / one
c) 12 / twelve
d) / fore
Ordering w/ Example
- Begin your question with the keyword: order.
- Question on the same line, no paragraph returns.
- Start the answer list below the question with the first item in your sequence.
- Continue the order of the sequence for all the items.
- Example: if you ask for the shortest to greatest, start the list with the shortest value and continue with the 2nd shortest, etc.
order 1. Ordering the following planets according to distance from the sun, shortest to longest.
1. Enter a Quiz Name (optional).
2. Select the Question Type Samples dropdown and click Create to see a sample question. Refer to the Question Types document for how to properly format your questions.
3. Copy and paste all your questions from a word document without formatting (Shit CTRL +V) or type them out in the box below. Ensure that there is a space between questions.
4. Click Generate Test Questions.

5. In case the Test Generator fails, review the questions in red. It could mean the format is not correct or something is missing. Correct the error and click Generate Test Questions again.
- NOTE: You can mouse-over the red box to see why your question is incorrect.
6. The green box shows questions that were successfully generated.

7, Once the generator has passed and all questions are green, click the Download Questions for Brightspace button.

8. Save the .csv file to your computer.
9. In the Add/Edit Questions screen in Brightspace, use the Import option and upload the .csv file. Follow the prompts.
10. Refer to Uploading Questions to a Quiz and Uploading Questions to a Pool on how to import them into your Brightspace quiz or pool.