Accommodations established for a student at the course level will apply to all quizzes in the course. If accommodations have been set for a student at the course level, any accommodations set at the quiz level will override those from the course level.
Access Classlist
From the course navigation bar, choose Course Tools
Under Learner Management choose Classlist
Click the drop-down icon to the right of the first student with a time accommodation and select Edit Accommodations from the drop-down.
Check the Modify Time Limit check box and select how you would like to enter the student(s) accommodations.
- Choosing the Multiplier of original quiz time enables you to enter an accommodation in a manner such as 1.5 times the original quiz time (sometimes referred to as time and a half). For example, for a 30 minute quiz the student with this accommodation would have 45 minutes to complete the quiz.
- Choosing the Extra time option enables you to enter an accommodation as a specific amount of time, such as 20 minutes, to each quiz. For example, for a 30 minutes quiz the student with this accommodation would have 50 minutes to complete the quiz.
- Checking the Always Allow Right Click option enables students to right click during the quiz to access traditional functions available in this menu.
Click Save when finished.
Repeat the above steps for any other students with time accommodations for quizzes.