Searching For and Enrolling in Brightspace Communities

Searching and Self-Enrolling in Brightspace Communities

To provide you with greater flexibility and control over your personal learning goals, the Discover tool allows you to search for active courses and self-enroll. You can also self-unenroll from the courses you self-enrolled in.


  • Only courses that allow self-enrollment (configured by course administrators or instructors) appear in the search results.
  • You can enroll in a course prior to its Start Date (if configured), but you cannot enroll in a course past its End Date (if configured).
  • Discover uses fuzzy search to match the course title and description. For example, typing "chemistry" may return search results for "biochemistry" and "chemistry".


To Self-Enroll in a Course

Navigate to the SUNY Cortland home page in Brightspace. Click Discover at the top of the page.


Search for active courses by entering terms that match course titles and descriptions in the search field.

From the search results, select the course you want to enroll in. From the course details page, click Enroll in Course or Request Approval, depending on how the class is set up.



If you request approval you will be presented with a question created by the community leader, you will need ot answer it and Submit Request.

REview your community request

You may withdraw your request before approval is made if you mistakenly enrolled.


To Self-Unenroll in a Course

Navigate to the SUNY Cortland home page in Brightspace. Click Discover at the top of the page.


Search for the enrolled course you want to self-unenroll from. From the (...) Options menu on the course details page, click Unenroll.

Note: The Unenroll option appears only if you assigned yourself to the course.


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