View as Page vs. View as Text - files in Brightspace


Brightspace offers 2 modes to view uploaded documents (including PDF, Word, PowerPoint, etc). View as Page converts a copy of uploaded files to PDF preview (original file is retained). This mode retains the images and links within the document. View as Text converts a copy of uploaded files to an HTML preview, that is more easily read by screen readers and other adaptive technologies (original file is retained). This mode may or may not retain links and images and has been found to take longer to convert.

The choice of mode setting stays with the user account so if you view a document as a page in one area of D2L, all other areas will also display this mode.

  • View as Text: In this text-only mode, graphics are not shown, and the formatting of the document is simplified.
  • View as Page: In this mode, the document is displayed, showing graphics and formatting within the document.


Determining Which Mode Your Account is Currently Set to 

To determine what mode your account is currently set to, navigate to the to a content page inside a course that uses a document (PDF, Word, PowerPoint, etc.).

If the image looks jumbled and is unreadable, you likely have View As Text selected. Click on the View as Page button.


If there is a notice that says A Document Preview Could Not Be Created, you likely have View As Text selected. Click on the View as Page button.



If the button says View as Text, you are currently viewing a PDF conversion. If you would like to switch to a text based preview, click on the View as Text button.

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Article ID: 147167
Fri 9/8/23 11:09 AM
Thu 2/8/24 8:36 AM