Whether you want to get a copy of what was shown in a course, or just the ability to view some items offline, many of the pages and files in D2L Brightspace can be downloaded onto your computer.
Downloading Files
Download all the pages/files within a specific module
Access your course on D2L Brightspace
Click the Content area

Click the module you wish to download the files from on the left side of the page.

In the center of the page click the ⋁ icon next to the title of that module.

Click Download

Opening Files
If you downloaded a single file within the course then you should be able to navigate to the file and your computer will automatically open it in a compatible program (if one is installed).
Common file types and an example of a compatible program are as follows:
.doc/.docx – Microsoft Word
.xls/.xlsx – Microsoft Excel
.pdf – Adobe Reader
.htm/.html – Any Browser
.zip – (see next section)
Zip Files
When you download multiple files, you will instead get a .zip file that has any files you downloaded contained within it. You must extract the contents before accessing the files.
To unzip (extract) files or folders from a zipped folder:
- Locate the zipped folder that you want to unzip (extract) files or folders from.
- To unzip all the contents of the zipped folder, press and hold (or right-click) the folder, select Extract All, and then follow the instructions.
- Locate the zipped folder that you want to unzip (extract) files or folders from.
- Double-click the .zip file.
- The unzipped item appears in the same folder as the .zip file. If you want to, you can delete the .zip file.
* Note: If you can’t open the .zip file, make sure you have enough space on your computer for the unzipped item.