The Locker Tool
Use the Locker tool to upload and store files in the Brightspace Learning Environment. Locker enables you to upload files from your computer, or create new HTML files.
* Note Your personal locker area is not course-specific. You can access the locker from anywhere in the Brightspace Learning Environment and store all of your files together.
This tutorial should help you with the following..
- How to Find The Locker Tool
- Uploading a File to Your Locker
- Creating a Locker File
- Restricted Locker File Formats
- Downloading Files from Your Locker
- Editing a Locker File
- Editing the Descriptions for Multiple Locker Files
- Searching for Files in your Locker
- Creating a Locker Folder
- Renaming a Locker Folder's Name
- Moving a Locker File or Folder
- Deleting a Locker File or Folder
How to Find The Locker Tool
From the navbar, click Locker.

OR navigate to Course Tools then Locker or Groups. If a link to the locker tools is not found and/or you do not see a link to the Locker tool from the Groups area, speak with your instructor, perhaps they are not using the tool.

Uploading a File to Your Locker
On the My Locker page, click Upload Files.
*Note You can drag and drop multiple files from your computer or you can click Upload to select them.

Enter a Description of the file.
Click Choose Destination to select the file path location for your file.

Click Save.
Creating a Locker File
On the My Locker page, click New File.

Enter a File Name.
In the Folder section, click Choose Destination to change or add the folder destination.
Enter a Description.
In the Edit Contents field, enter the content you want to go in the file.
Click Create.
Restricted Locker File Formats
For security reasons, you cannot upload applications or programs to your locker. For example, you cannot upload files with the extension types: .asp, .bat, .config, .dll, or .exe.
Downloading Files From Your Locker
Select the check boxes beside the files you want to download.
Click Download at the top of the file list.
Save a copy of the zip file to your local computer or storage device.
Editing A Locker File
Click Edit from the context menu of the file you want to edit.
Make your changes.
Click Save.
Editing the Descriptions for Multiple Locker Files
Select the check boxes beside the files you want to edit.
Click Edit at the top of the file list.
Update the Description for files as needed.
Select or clear the Public check box to change whether files are public or private.
Click Save.
Searching For Files In Your Locker
On the My Locker page, enter your search criteria in the Search For field.
If you want to conduct an advanced search, click Show Search Options.
Click Search.

Creating a Locker Folder
From the My Locker page, click New Folder.

Enter a Folder Name.
Click Save.
*Note: To create a sub-folder for an existing folder, click New Folder when you're in the parent folder.
Renaming a Locker Folder
Click Edit from the context menu beside the folder you want to edit.
Update the Folder Name.
Click Save.
Moving a Locker File or Folder
You have two options to move files or folders.
Click the name of the target folder.
Click move or click the context menu of the file or folder you want to move and then select move.
Deleting a Locker File or Folder
Deleting a Locker File or Folder
You have two options to delete files or folders.
Click the name of the target folder.
Click delete or click the context menu of the file or folder you want to delete and then select delete.
A confirmation window with pop up, where you will confirm the delete.

**Important: Deleting a folder also deletes all of the files within it.