Exams, Tests and Quizzes

Quizzes can have many different settings, so your experience may be different from quiz to quiz and class to class. The quiz will need to be active and available before you will be able to take it. If you are unable to begin a quiz that you believe should be available, you'll need to contact your instructor.


The following tutorials should help you navigate..

  1. How to Find Quizzes
  2. Completing A Quiz
  3. Submitting A Quiz
  4. Viewing Your Submissions


How To Find Quizzes

Click on Quizzes in the navigation bar.

This will show you a list of all of the unattempted quizzes.


Click on the title of the quiz you would like to begin.


* Why can't I access a quiz?

If you are unable to access a quiz and are receiving a “Not Authorized” or “Internal Error” message, this can mean one of the following:

  1. The quiz is not available.

  2. The quiz has ended.

  3. The maximum number of attempts for the quiz have been reached.

* Why can't I access the next quiz attempt?

The next quiz attempt cannot be accessed until the previous quiz attempt has been submitted. Submit the first attempt in order to access the second attempt. If you started a second attempt for a quiz but didn't intend to, you must still submit the second attempt; and highly recommend that you also contact your instructor about the accidental second attempt.

* How do I request additional quiz attempts?

To request additional quiz attempts, contact the course instructor.

* Why am I prompted for a quiz password?

Sometimes a quiz may prompt learners for a password, even though a password has not been configured for the quiz. This issue may occur if there had previously been a password replaced by a blank space, or there is a blank space in the password field. If this occurs and the quiz is not configured for a password, contact your course instructor.


Completing A Quiz

When you enter a quiz, there will be a set of instructions. Make sure to read these before you start your quiz. The quiz details will give you information like the dates the quiz will be available, the amount of time you’ll be given to complete the quiz, and how many attempts you'll be allowed to make.


Keep in mind that once you've entered a quiz with a time limit, the timer does not stop counting down, even if you log out and log back in; so make sure you have a reliable Internet connection.

When you're ready to begin, click Start Quiz.


Quizzes might have a number of different question types, like:

  • Multiple Choice
  • Short Answer
  • True or False
  • Matching
  • Long Answer

Question answers are auto-saved (approximately every 30 seconds) as you complete them, except for Written Answer questions which have the formatting bar enabled. To save Written Answer questions as you type, click anywhere outside of the text entry box.

**Quiz taking note - navigation: Please use the Next Page buttons to move to the next page of a quiz.  Use the scroll bar to navigate up and down a page.  If you use the arrow keys be cautious as your answers can be changed!


Submitting A Quiz

When you're finished with your quiz, click Submit.


You will see a confirmation screen asking if you are certain you're done; if you are, click Submit Quiz.

* Why am I unable to submit a quiz?

If you are unable to submit a quiz, try to re-enter the quiz and submit it (if time is still available). If time is not available, contact your instructor for further help. If answers were saved during the quiz, the attempt is set to “in progress” and will be available for your instructor to view. Contact the instructor and explain the situation.


Viewing Your Submissions

After submitting a quiz or exam it could provide you with immediate feedback on your performance depending on the type of questions that your instructor has used and settings they have enabled.  You may also see additional information on the submission view page after submitting the quiz depending on what information your instructor wishes to release.  By default, the submission page will include only the overall score you received and when the quiz was submitted.  


Although you will be taken directly to the Submission View page to see this feedback after submitting the quiz, it may be a little confusing as to how you can get back to this page once you return to the content area. Once a quiz has been graded, you'll be able to find it in the list of quizzes, by selecting the dropdown menu next to the quiz, then clicking Submissions.

Click on Submissions, and on the next page, click on the attempt.

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Article ID: 141670
Mon 9/12/22 9:04 AM
Mon 11/27/23 10:03 AM