Dropping The Lowest Grade

  1. Open your Brightspace course and click Grades from the course navigation bar.
  2. Click Manage Grades near the top-left.
  3. Click New [A} and select Category [B] from the drop-down. 
  4. Name the category as desired (i.e. Labs, Assignments, Tests, Quizzes, etc.).
  5. Scroll down and select Distribute points across all items in this category. Enter how much the labs are worth (i.e. 100 points each).  Enter the Number of lowest non-bonus items to drop for each user (i.e. 2).

  6. Alternatively, if you use a weighted gradebook, enter the weight this category holds toward the final course grade (i.e. 20).  Select Distribute weight evenly across all items and enter the Number of lowest non-bonus items to drop for each user (i.e. 2).
  7. Click Save and Close.

  8. Check the boxes to the left of the grade items that should be part of the category you just created. Click Bulk Edit.

  9. Scroll to the far-right and, from the Category drop-down, select the appropriate category for each item.

  10. Click Save when finished.
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