Watch a video on Creating Assignments in Brightspace
Create an Assignment
After accessing Brightspace, select your course
1. From the Course Navigation Bar, click Assignments

2.Select New Assignment

3. Enter a name for your assignment.
4. If the assignment will be graded, click within the Grade out Of text box and enter the point value of the assignment. An In Grade Book field will appear, indicating a grade item will be created for this assignment in the Grade Book.

5. Optionally, click the In Grade Book drop-down and select:
- Edit or link to existing to create a new grade item and select the grade category to which it belongs, or to link the assignment to an existing grade item.
- Not in Grade Book to create an assignment with a point value, but that will not be included in the grade book.
- Reset to Ungraded to remove all scoring.

6. Click with the Due Date field to establish a due date for the assignment.

7. Add any instructions and/or attach any supplemental files, i.e attachments, images, links, record your audio or video instructions. (Click on more (...) for more text editing options.)
8. Turn on Visibility of the Assignment (it is OFF by Default)

9. Set Availability Dates and Conditions, Submission & Completion, Evaluation & Feedback if needed.

9. Save and Close