Adding a “Chat with me in Teams” link in you Outlook Signature (or anywhere else) is easy to do. All you have to know is the link.
In Outlook:
- Select the New Email button
- Select the Insert tab in the new email window
- Choose Signature

- The Signatures and Stationery window will open. Select the New button

- Type a name for the new signature in the New Signature window and click OK

- Now in the Signature and stationery window select the hyperlink button

- In the hyperlink dialog box that opens (A) enter the text you would like to see in the Text to Display field and (B) in the address field enter the link below – substituting your Cortland email address for <youremailaddress><youremailaddress>
For example:

Then select OK.
- Use the Insert Picture button to add a Teams logo if you would like

- In the Choose default signature section choose when you would like your signature to appear, on new messages or on replies. If you have more than one signature you can choose a different one for new messages and for replies.