Duo MFA to Microsoft MFA (For Employees)
SUNY Cortland Faculty and Staff will be switching from Duo MFA to Microsoft MFA in Spring 2025. To review the switchover schedule or the announcement to campus, please use the links below:
Campus Announcement:
USB Only
We currently only have tokens compatible with a USB port. This means your device needs to have a USB port. If you do not have a USB port but are still interested in using a token, contact the Technology Help Center to figure out what might be available to you.
Web Browser Compatibility
Duo tokens only work in Safari, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. If you are having trouble with your token, make sure your web browser is up to date. Certain applications like Adobe that require you to sign in may present you with a Duo prompt that is running in the app instead of the browser, which is also not compatible with a token.