CTEs - Selecting Courses to Send to the CTE System

Tags CTE

By policy Courses at SUNY Cortland do not need to be offered a CTE every semester.  Therefore it is important to pre-select which courses are sent to the CTE system, so they may be offered to students.  These selections must be made prior to the cut off date which will be published each semester

To select which CTE need to be sent to the CTE system.

  • Login to myRedDragon
  • Browse to the Academic or Faculty Staff Tab
  • On the Cortland eLearning System Channel
    • Locate the link under the Anthology CTE System called "Manage CTEs included for term"
    • This will launch the CTE Selection APP

CTE SYstemUse the Next Button

If your role is a faculty member you will be presented with this screen If your role is a department chair or administrative assistant you will be presented with this screen  
Next Button

CTE Dept screen

Select the department you wish to manage the CTEs for, the list will only be the departments listed for you in the directory


After selecting Get Courses, you will be presented with a list of courses for this term:

CTE faculty screen


Both faculty and department admins can select and deselect courses, so if a faculty member sets their courses a department admin will see those courses selected.

When finished select Save Course Selections, you can revisit the app and change the selections until the cutoff date

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Related Services / Offerings (2)

Course Teacher Evaluations are a way for students to evaluate the course as a student, and offer comments and suggestions for its continued improvement. Responses are kept anonymous and are not linked to students' identification in any manner. Students' NetID, C Number, and name are never exposed to a faculty member when they review Course Teacher Evaluation Responses.