Files in a team are automatically shared with all members of the team. You can also share files with people who are not members or guests of the team.
Sharing Files
- Select the file to be shared
- Choose the Share button or the Share command from the menu to open the sharing dialog box

- When using the dialog box, you can either share directly with individuals or via link
Share directly
- Select the Share button or use the Share command to open the sharing dialog box
- In the top field enter the name of the person to share with from Cortland and the directory listing will show. Select the listing.
- To share with those without a email address, enter the email address directly in the field
- Select the sharing options using the dropdown menu next to the edit ‘pencil’

- Click Send
Share via link
- Select the Share button or use the Share command to open the sharing dialog box
- Click the Setting button to confirm sharing settings
- Choose who the link works for from those available
- Choose the editing settings from those available

- Select Apply
- Select Copy Link
- Paste link where it is needed
Sharing Settings
People in SUNY Cortland – Organization account is required, a email address.
Only people with existing access – Reshare with people in your organization who already have access
People you choose – share with specific people you choose inside or outside of SUNY Cortland, using their name, group, or email address.
Can edit – can make any changes to the file
Can review – Can suggest changes, can comment
Can view – Can’t make changes to the document, but can download
Can’t download – Can view the file but cannot download it