Exclude an Item from the Final Grade Calculation


How to remove a grade category or item from the final grade calculation, in Brightspace.


Excluding an item from the final grade calculation enables you to evaluate a grade category, numeric grade item, select box grade item, or pass/fail grade item without including the grade in users' calculated or adjusted final grades.


Points System

Use the Exclude from Final Grade Calculation check box to exclude items and categories while using the Points system.


On the course home page, in the navbar, click Grades.

In the Manage Grades area, click on the title of the item you want to edit.



Once the page opens, stay in the Properties tab and scroll down the page to select the Exclude from Final Grade Calculation check box.



Click Save and Close.


Weighted System

You can exclude a grade item or category from the final grade calculation in the weighted system by setting the grade item or category's weight to 0%.


On the course home page, in the navbar, click Grades.


In the Manage Grades area, click on the item you want to edit.


Once the page opens, stay in the Properties tab and scroll down the page to the Grading section, then add a value of 0 in the Weight field.


Click Save and Close.


Formula System

You can exclude a grade category or item using the Formula system by removing that grade item or category from the formula you will be using to calculate the final grade.



Article ID: 142580
Mon 10/17/22 12:13 PM
Wed 11/29/23 2:16 PM