Assignment - How to Submit


How to access and submit an Assignment in Brightspace


No matter what learning management system you use, you are highly encourage to create your content in a word processing software (ie. Word) before you attempt to submit.  If an internet interruption occurs while you are typing directly in Brightspace you will more than likely lose your work 

Assignment Types

Faculty can create multiple types of assignments with different submission procedures. This means the way in which you have to submit an assignment depends on the settings your professor made when creating the assignment:

  • File submission: you have to upload your assignment as a file (for example a Word-file, PDF-file, audio file or video file).
  • Text submission: you have to enter a text, image or link to your work in a text box in the assignment (for example, if you have to create a web page this is where you can enter the link to the page).
  • On paper submission: you have to hand in the assignment as a hard copy and you do not have to upload it in the assignment (this allows teachers to upload the assessment of hard copy assignments in the grade book).
  • Observed in person: you perform a certain task during class (for example a presentation or assessment) and the teacher will then enter the assessment in the assignment. You do not have to upload a file in the assessment (this option allows teachers to upload the assessment of presentations and assessments during class in the grade book).

The instructor will tell you beforehand whether you have to submit the assignment in Brightspace.

Submit Assignment: File submission

You will find your Assignments under Assignments.

  • Navigate to Assignments in the navbar of your course.
  • Click Assignments. You will be taken to the Assignments homepage.

Note: An instructor can choose to put a link to an assignment in Content with other materials for that subject. 

Click the title of the assignment you wish to hand in. (Below is from the Assignments link off the Navbar)

  1. The assignment details are listed here, which you can hide by clicking Hide/Show Submission Folder Information.
  2. If a rubric was added to the assignment, it will appear below Show Rubrics.
  3. Submit Assignment is where you can hand in the assignment:
    • Add a File lets you upload one or more files.
    • Record Audio/Record Video will let you record an audio or video snippet. Your device will need a microphone and/or webcam for this.
  4. You can add comments to your files in the Comments box. - DO NOT copy/paste your submission in the comments box.

You may also be presented with this file area if you accessed the Assignment from a Content area:
  • When you click Add a file, a window appears. Click My computer to add a file or multiple files from your computer.  


  • Click Upload or drag the your file(s) to the Upload field.
  • The file(s) you uploaded will be listed in the next step. Click Add to submit them.

Brightspace supports different file types in Assignments, however your professor may instruct you to hand in a certain type of file.  Please pay attention. The following file formats are compatible:

  • Web document: HTM, HTML, MHT, MHTML
  • Text document: RTF, PPT, PPS, PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPTX, XML, XLS, TXT,
  • Media: SWF, MPG, MPEG, RM, MP3, MP4, M4V, M4A, AVI, WAV, RAM, ASF, MOV, RA
  • Click Submit to submit your assignment if you are certain everything is filled out properly. Next, an overview of what you just uploaded to Brightspace will appear. Click Done to return to the Assignments homepage.

When you submit an assignment successfully, a confirmation email will always be sent to you with the date and time of your submission attempt, the name and size of the file and the Submission ID.

Submit Assignment: Text submission

  • Navigate to Assignments in the navbar of your course.
  • Choose the assignment concerned.
  1. Enter the text for the assignment under Text Submission. If desired, you can use the layout option in the HTML editor (text box).
  2. Click Submit to hand in your text submission.



Article ID: 141640
Fri 9/9/22 9:54 AM
Mon 11/27/23 10:00 AM