Teams - Recording and Sharing a Meeting

Recording a meeting

  1. Start Teams meeting
  2. Select Start Recording from the More Options (ellipsis) menu to start meeting recording and Stop Recording from the same menu when recording is complete.

meeting recording buttons 

  1. To find the meeting recording navigate to the Chat tab of your Teams app or to the Posts tab of the channel where you held the meeting. You will see a placeholder for the video stating that the recording is in the process of being generated.

Teams Chat tab


  1. When the recording is finished processing the meeting information will look like this:

meeting placeholder


  1. The meeting recording is now available in the Chat tab of Teams or in the Posts tab of the channel where the meeting was held, for the meeting organizer as well as for the meeting attendees.

The meeting is also available in Stream.


If the meeting was held in a team the recording should be available for everyone to view.

If the meeting was scheduled using Outlook or using the Teams calendar but was not held in a designated team channel, the meeting organizer will have to give meeting attendees permission to access the video.


Share with ‘’ email addresses, Teams new version

  1. Select the ellipsis the top right corner of the meeting notification
  2. Choose open in Stream from the menu to open directly to the video page

Stream link

  1. In the Details section, choose the ellipsis for more options, then select Update Video Details from the menu.