Formstack Archiving F.A.Q.


Q: What does "archiving forms" mean in Formstack? A: Archiving forms in Formstack means moving forms that are no longer actively used or needed to an archive section within the SUNY Cortland account. Archived forms are stored but not actively accessible.

Q: Why do Formstack forms need to be archived regularly? A: Formstack imposes limits on the number of forms that can be active within an account based on the subscription plan. Archiving forms regularly helps us identify forms that are not being actively used in order to free up space for creating new forms within our account limit.

Q: What happens if we reach the form limit? A: If the form limit is reached, no new Formstack forms will be able to be created in SUNY Cortland’s account until existing forms are deleted to bring us back under the form limit.

Q: How frequently are forms archived? A: An automated archiving process will be run approximately every six months that will automatically archive forms that meet all of the following criteria:

  1. The form was created and has not been modified in over two years.
  2. The form has no submissions or has not received any new submissions for over two years.
  3. The form does not contain the phrase “TEMPLATE_” at the beginning of its name. Use this naming convention to save forms which you use to create new ones from.

Q: How long will forms remain in the archived folder? A: Archived forms will be kept for a period of 60 days before being moved to the deleted folder.

Q: Can I still access archived forms? A: Archived forms remain accessible within the Formstack account but will require administrative access to restore. For help restoring archived or deleted forms, you can request Formstack assistance here: Online Forms Support

Q: What is the difference between archiving forms and deleting forms? A: Archived forms still count against our total form count. Deleted forms do not count against our total form count. Once a form is deleted, it is only recoverable for a period of seven days. Any form that is archived or deleted will not receive any new submissions and is inaccessible to end users.

Q: Can I delete or archive forms on my own? A: Yes! Removing old forms on your own gives you complete control over which ones get removed and when. Being proactive and removing forms you no longer need also helps keep us under our form limit at all times rather than waiting for the automated process to do a larger clean up.

Q: Is there a way that I can save a form so it no longer counts against our limit? A: Submission data can be exported but the actual form layout can only be saved by taking a screen shot of it. To learn more about how to save submission data, please read the Formstack help page on how to export submissions.

Q: How can I get additional information or assistance? A: For more information about Formstack use at SUNY Cortland, including support and training options, please check out our knowledge base here: SUNY Cortland Formstack Knowledge Base Articles or you can contact us for any variety of online form related questions by using the link here to our Online Forms Support portal.



Article ID: 150528
Thu 4/18/24 11:40 AM
Tue 9/10/24 11:27 AM

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