Captions in Webex are available but they must be typed in during the meeting. This requires enabling the caption functionality but also will require someone with the capability to type at the speed of discussion.
Transcripts are automatically generated but are only available after the meeting, with the meeting recording. You must record the meeting to generate the transcript. As the transcript is machine generated, it will most probably need to be edited. A transcript is usually around 90 – 95% accurate.
Enable Closed Captions
You can easily select the option for closed captions and appoint a participant to transcribe the closed captions.
Enable when scheduling meeting
- Open your Webex home page (
- Choose the Schedule button to schedule a meeting
- Enter meeting info then choose Show advanced options > Scheduling Options > Edit Meeting Options

- In the Edit Meeting Options dialog box check the box in front of Enable closed captioning
- Select OK

Enable after opening meeting:
- In the Meeting window, on the Meeting menu, choose Options.

- The Meeting Options dialog box appears, with the General tab selected by default.
- To enable: check the Enable Closed Captioning box.
To disable: Uncheck the Enable Closed Captioning box.
- Click Apply,
- then click OK.

- In the Webex Meetings menu, select Preferences.
- Select Tools.
- To enable: check the Enable Closed Captioning box.
To disable: Uncheck the Enable Closed Captioning box.
- Click Apply
- then click OK.
After enabling closed captioning there will a closed captioning pane button in the More Options menu

Select the button to open the closed captioning pane.
The host of the meeting is by default, the one with the ability to enter the captions. To select another participant to transcribe, select the participant's name on the Participants panel; then right-click (Windows) or select Ctrl and then click (Mac), then select Change Role To > Closed Captionist.
Enter closed captions
If the meeting host has designated you as the closed captionist for a meeting, you can type captions on the Closed Captions panel in your meeting window. You can use a standard keyboard.
Your captions are visible to other meeting participants in real-time, one line at a time. You can also send your captions in a meeting transcript to all participants.
- Open the Closed Caption panel.
- Type your captions in the box.
- Once you type a line of captions, to publish your captions on each participant's Closed Caption panel, either
- Press the Enter key on your computer's keyboard.
- Click Publish on the Closed Caption panel.
Meeting Transcript
To generate a meeting transcript the meeting will have to be recorded. Upon playback of the recording a transcription will be available, either as part of the recording or it can be downloaded.
Record your meeting
- When your meeting is open select the Record button
- Choose the Record to the cloud option
- Select Stop > Stop Recording when the meeting is finished
Recordings in Webex take some time to generate. An hour-long meeting may take as long as 24 hours to be ready. When the recording has finished processing, you will receive an email informing you that it is available.
Your Recording
- Go to the Recordings tab of
- Select the recording of your meeting
- Meetings in your personal room will have the name of your personal room
- Webex Pro Meetings will have the name in the subject line of the meeting invitation
- The recording will open in a new tab and the transcript will be shown to the right of the video
To edit the transcript hover over the pencil icon

To download the transcript:
- Select the arrow next to the name of the recording

- In the dialog box that opens select which you would like to download, the video or the transcript or both.

The transcript will be generated as a .vtt file. To convert it to a Word document:
- Save the file as a .txt file
- Open the .txt file with Word
- Save the file as a Word document