Generate Bills - Monthly/Semester

Table of Contents

  1. Requesting Bills
  2. Parameters Expanded
  3. Monthly/Past Due Billing Process
  4. Semester Billing Process


Requesting Bills

This section explains what the Student Accounts office needs to do to start the bill generation process with Information Systems.

  • Click the service link offering for bill generation
  • Enter the following parameters (expanded below)
    • Bills
      • Bill Type
      • Term Code
      • Due Date
      • Bill Message
      • Late Fees/Holds Process included (Y/N)
    • Late Fees and Holds
      • Payment Start Date
      • Payments Remaining
      • Fees/Holds/Both
      • Min Fees/Holds
      • Billed in Last 30 days
      • Run Mode
      • Fee Code
  • Enter any additional requests or information in the description box. A document containing timeline dates for the processes can also be added to the ticket, and will be incorporated by IS.
  • A programmer will be assigned to the ticket. As they complete the tasks, the task will show up in the ticket as verification. If you would like to be notified when specific steps are complete, please include that in the ticket description.


Parameters Expanded

A description of the parameters used for bill generation, any default values, and expected values.

  • Bill Type
    • Semester or monthly
      • Semester bills are run once per term with a nightly version that picks up students as they register
      • The monthly billing process is run 4 times for the Monthly Payment Plan bills and for the Past Due bills for the term
  • Term Code
    • The term code the bill is running for (in STVTERM banner page)
  • Due Date
    • The date this bill is due (this information is printed on the bill)
    • This field can be updated with the new bill due date or a comment added to the ticket
  • Bill Message
    • The corresponding code from TBRSBMS (banner table) with the billing message desired
    • Examples: MOGENR, SEMBIL, FINTER
  • Bill Default Parameters (rarely changed)
    • Payment Plan Fee
      • Fee charged to participate in MPP
      • Default value $45
    • Payment Plan Periods
      • Number of payment plans - 4
  • Late Fees/Holds Process Included
    • Y for Yes, N for No
  • Payment Start Date
    • The first date the student could have made payments for this bill
  • Payments Remaining
    • The number of payments left at time of last billing. This number is solely used to determine the balance due for the late fees and holds process.
    • (e.g. usually, this is added the last 3 Monthly bills with the payments remaining being 3,2,1 respectively)
  • Fees/Holds/Both
    • Run the program to add Fees (F), Holds (H), or Both (B)
  • Min Fees/Holds
    • The minimum amount due to add a fee and/or hold to the students account
    • Our default minimum amount due is $500
    • The Late Fees and Holds process currently has an override code in place to override the minimum amount for holds
    • Our current coded minimum amount due to set a Hold is $1000
  • Billed in Last 30 days
    • Y for yes, N for no
    • If the student was billed in the last 30 days, we cannot charge them something as a "LATE" fee
  • Run Mode
    • A for audit, U for update
      • This mode is available in case you want to order audits SEPARATE from the billing process.
      • For instance, a late fee audit before you want to order late fees. In all other cases, audits are included as part of the billing process and are handled in the original ticket requesting an Update.
  • Fee Code
    • LPAF (Late rebilling fee) or ADMF (Administrative Fee)
    • If the term has NOT YET STARTED, SUNY policy requires that the Fee be called Administrative, not LATE


Monthly/Past Due Billing Expanded

The processes that occur when a monthly/past due ticket is submitted

  • An audit run of the bill is provided prior to the bill generation date
  • The user confirms the audit run looks correct
  • Info Systems schedules the bill process to run in the evening
  • The generated bill is transferred to Nelnet at 2p the day after generation
  • IS makes changes to the billing table based on the error section of the report
  • (Past Dues) A test bill is printed to confirm printer formatting
  • (Past Dues) Bills are physically printed to the appropriate printer


Semester Billing Expanded

The processes that occur when a monthly/past due ticket is submitted

  • (Fall/Spring) FTS process turned on
  • Nightly reports/processes are updated with new term code
    • attrition report
    • email confirmation process
    • payment reports
      • partial payment, accept no payment, less than mpp, nonpaid, acind_decline
    • registration reports
      • all registration, new registration
    • withdraw/loa report
  • Deposits are released
  • A fee assessment audit is provided
  • Fee assessment is run in update
  • Disbursments are turned on
  • Nightly fee assessment (from collector table) is turned on
  • (Fall/Spr) Default housing assignments are given and the nightly process turned on
  • (Fall/Spr) Housing assessment is turned on
  • An audit run of the bill is provided
  • User confirms the audit run looks correct
  • Info Systems schedules the bill process to run in the evening
  • Info Systems moves the daily bill file to Duplicatings report folder, removes the foreign addresses, and emails Chris Tucker the file is ready
  • The generated bill is transferred to nelnet at 2p the day after
  • Nightly semester billing process is turned on
  • Bookstore load processes are paused
  • Bookstore confirms term changeover and zeros out accounts
  • Next term load files are sent
  • Bookstore loads the files and confirms the accounts have updated
  • Bookstore load processes are restarted
  • User updates the ticket with extended Due Dates and/or last billing date
Generate Bills - Monthly/Semester Print Article


Article ID: 145099
Tue 4/4/23 8:12 AM
Fri 4/5/24 10:48 AM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

The process in Banner that generates student bills. For Student Accounts Office use only.