My Directory


Your directory is a place where you can upload a photo, update general information about yourself, and set who has permission to view each piece of information you've entered.

General Information

Editing Your Data

Figure 1:

General Information tab

Figure 1 is an example of what My Directory looks like when you first browse to it. To the left you will see your name with your uploaded photo underneath, by default your photo will be what you see in Figure 1 until you upload your own. And to the right you will see your 'dashboard' for entering/editing all data associated with yourself.

Each row in the General Information tab is a specific property of your directory entry. From left to right we have the name of the property, the data you enter for that property and the visibility permissions you set for that property.


There are 3 visibility permissions you can set for each property: Student, Faculty, and Public. These visibility permissions only affect which properties display in a directory search. For example, if Student visibility is checked for the Building property then the building you select will be displayed to a student searching the directory. This same rule applies for faculty as well. If you check Public visibility for a property this means that this property will be visible to anyone (students, faculty/staff, or general public) searching the directory.

Uploading a Photo

If you want to upload a photo to your directory simply click on 'Choose File' or 'Browse' (it displays differently in different browsers). Upon clicking you should be prompted to select a file from your computer. Find the photo you want to upload and click 'Open'.

If your photo has uploaded successfully you should see something similar to Figure 2.

Figure 2:

Directory Photo settings

Saving Your Changes

When you have completed making any changes to your General Information simply click on the Save General Information button at the bottom right to save.

If your directory entry saved correctly you should see something similar to Figure 3.

Figure 3:

Photo updated successfully



Figure 5:

Department(s) tab

The Department(s) tab, as displayed in Figure 5, allows you to control which departments you belong to. By default, your current campus department is entered here and is unchangeable. However, you do have the ability to add multiple departments to your directory entry, as well as setting the visibility permissions for each department you add.

Adding a Department

If you wish to add a department to your directory, simply select the department you wish to add from the drop down list, choose your visibility permissions, and then click on Add Department.

Figure 6:

Department added successfully

If adding a department was successful you should see something similar to Figure 6. All added departments must be approved by an administrator. Upon adding this department, an administrator was notified about this change and will review it as soon as possible. You will receive an email notification when an administrator has either approved/declined your department. Until a department has been approved, it will not display on your directory regardless of visibility permissions.

All departments that have yet to be approved will be have (PENDING) appended to the name of the department as in Figure 7.

Figure 7:

Department Visibility Settings

Deleting a Department

If you wish to delete a department from your directory, simply click on the Delete link next to the department that you want to delete. You will be prompted with a confirmation box, clicking Cancel will cancel the deletion of the department, clicking Okay will remove the department from your directory entry.

Saving Your Changes

All changes made in the Department(s) tab are saved automatically. There is no 'Save' button as there is for General Information.

Additional Info


Figure 8:

Additional Info tab

The Additional Info tab, as displayed in Figure 8, allows you to associate key value pair data to your directory entry. Your directory entry's additional info can be thought of as your own custom properties. It is a great place to share additional data with someone searching the directory. In Figure 8, I am sharing my Xbox Live and Battle.Net accounts, however, this may be great place to share your Facebook or Twitter accounts or any other data related to yourself that you wish to share.

Adding Additional Info

Additional Info has two properties, a type and the details of that type. An example of an Info Type might be Facebook, Twitter, Hobbies, etc. Info Details should be the description or value pertaining to the Info Type. So if your Info Type is 'Facebook' your Info Details might be ''. As always, every property of your directory entry you can set the visibility, so even your Additional Info you can set who has permission to see the data. Once you have your Info Type and Info Details filled out with the appropriate visibility permissions, simply click on Add Additional Info to add it to your directory entry. If everything was entered correctly you should see your new Additional Info above.

Deleting Additional Info

If you wish to delete an additional info entry from your directory, simply click on the Delete link next to the info that you want to delete. You will be prompted with a confirmation box, clicking Cancel will cancel the deletion of the additional info, clicking Okay will remove the additional info from your directory entry.

Saving Your Changes

All changes made in the Additional Info tab are saved automatically. There is no 'Save' button as there is for General Information.



Figure 9:

Title(s) Directory tab

The Title(s) tab, as displayed in Figure 9, allows you to add one or many Titles to your directory entry.

Adding a Title

The Titles tab works synonymous to the Departments tab except that you don't select from a list of Titles. Simply enter the Title that you wish to add to your directory entry, select the visibility permissions, and click Add Title.

Figure 10:

Added Title successfully

If adding a title was successful you should see something similar to Figure 10. All added titles must be approved by an administrator. Upon adding this title, an administrator was notified about this change and will review it as soon as possible. You will receive an email notification when an administrator has either approved/declined your title. Until a title has been approved, it will not display on your directory regardless of visibility permissions.

All titles that have yet to be approved will be have (PENDING) appended to the name of the title as in Figure 11.

Figure 11:

Directory Title(s) visibility

Deleting a Title

If you wish to delete a title from your directory, simply click on the Delete link next to the title that you want to delete. You will be prompted with a confirmation box, clicking Cancel will cancel the deletion of the title, clicking Okay will remove the title from your directory entry.

Saving Your Changes

All changes made in the Title(s) tab are saved automatically. There is no 'Save' button as there is for General Information.