Whether holding a class meeting, staff meeting, or seminar, meeting security should be at the forefront of planning. It is important to insure that uninvited people are not able to join the meeting and that the host of the meeting can easily see who is in the meeting and expel those who are not supposed to be there.
Create Class Meetings in Blackboard
If a faculty member uses the Blackboard integration with Webex, student information (full name) is brought from Blackboard into Webex. They cannot rename themselves. So the integration should be used.
The following documentation explains how to add Webex to a Blackboard class:
Linking Webex to your Blackboard Course
This is the most highly recommended way to prevent unauthorized access into class meetings.
Lock Your Meeting
Both your Personal Room and Webex Pro Meetings can be locked.
If a Personal Room meeting is locked all attendees will be sent to a virtual lobby where they can be admitted by the host. You can set the Preferences to automatically lock your meeting at 0 minutes. That way everyone will be sent to a lobby first.
A new feature in Webex a virtual lobby for a Webex Pro Meeting as well. If a meeting is locked, anyone who tries to join will be sent to a virtual lobby. You can lock the meeting when you start it or while scheduling it with the Webex home page.
Select this link for more information on locking meetings in Webex.
Invite All Attendees
Instead of sending a link you can type people’s email address into Webex or Outlook to directly invite them to a meeting. This way you will know who is supposed to be in the meeting.
In addition:
you can choose to send the meeting invitation without the password. The password would have to be communicated to invitees in another manner.

or, disable the Join before host option so you can see all attendees as they join and remove them if necessary.

Require Meeting Registration
If you choose to send only the link to a meeting or if you send an invitation, you can require registration. First and last name and an email address are always required when requiring registration, but you can require that the attendees fill out more information. It is possible to automatically accept all registrations, but if meeting security is an issue the host can review the list of registrants and choose to either send them an invitation or reject them.
Note: Someone can register for a meeting with their Cortland credentials but still enter a different screen name for the meeting
Select this link for more information on Webex Meeting Registration
Meeting Controls
Be familiar with the meeting controls so you can mute or expel someone easily.
- Hover over someone’s picture to see a menu where you can mute a participant.
- Keep the Participant pane open. Right clicking (or CTRL + click on a Mac) on someone’s name will open a menu with Mute, Mute All, and Expel