FMS Release Notes

FMS 2.7

Below is the list of all the enhancements and bug fixes included in version 2.7, released 6/28/2017.

  • Vendors: Added a Projects tab into the Vendor information. The Vendor information is now located in the "Vendor Details" tab. The Projects tab shows all projects that this vendor is associated with where there has been money encumbered for that Vendor. By default, it is sorted with the project with the latest encumberance date showing first.
    • Known Bug: The Search box does not work. This issue also plagues the Funding Accounts tab inside Master Accounts. This issue will be reviewed in a future version of FMS.
  • Reports: Term Contractor Release has been changed from rtf to pdf to overcome a bug in Argos that was not allowing a school logo to be printed on rtf. This bug has been submitted to Elucian (company that makes Argos).

FMS 2.6

Below is the list of all the enhancements and bug fixes included in version 2.6, released 1/7/2016

  • Term Contractor Expiration Automation: Using the Term Contract Vendor Expiration Date setting in System Settings, the system will now remove any contractor currently marked as a term contractor on the date set in that field. It will then move any vendor marked as a "Next Term Contractor" and remove that "Next" setting from the Vendor. It will also move the Next Term Contract Vendor Expiration Date setting into the Term Contract Vendor Expiration Date setting.
  • Project Log Report: Projects can now be selected by status (multiple statuses can be selected) when running this report.
  • Split Coding of Release Numbers for Term Contractors: When encumbering funds for a Term Contract Vendor, there is a drop down of for the Release Number. The default selection in the drop down is for a new release number. The other numbers listed are release numbers used in this project for this vendor.
  • SUNY Authentication Changed: A behind the scenes change for end-users, but the SUNY authentication model was moved from Simple SAML to ADFS in accordance with the rest of SUNY Cortland authentication.
  • Release Notes Moved: Release Notes for each version are now kept in Confluence instead of being sent out in an e-mail.

FMS 2.5

Below is the list of all the enhancements and bug fixes included in version 2.5, released 7/9/2015

  • Encumberance Edits: You can now add notes when clicking the Encumber Additional Funds button.
  • Funding Account Tab Modifications: On the Funding Account tab, when you click the drop down to select a Master Account, the balance of each account is displayed to the right of the account number.
  • Funding Activities Correction: Projects that are cancelled or closed no longer show up in the two Budget Coordinator modules, (Projects Awaiting Funding and Pending Funding Projects).
  • SUNY Code on Project Tab: You can now enter the SUNY code into projects. The new field is located directly below the auto-generated project number and is also visible/searchable in the list of projects in the grid.
  • Project Number Listed in Heading: The project number and SUNY project number (when entered) now display in the bread crumb trail when viewing a project. The bread crumb trail is between the main menu of buttons and the tabs of the project.
  • Documentation: A help button is now available next to the “Create New Request” button. Clicking that button opens a new tab in your browser to the newly created documentation. Of Note: This documentation is meant to be maintained by you, the users. We will work to get the appropriate people from each school set up to be able to modify this documentation.
  • Allow Project Coordinators to view vendor payments: On the budget tab, users with the Project Coordinator role can now view encumberances and payments. They do not have access to any of the buttons.
  • Additional Reports: Three new reports have been added to the system. A description of each report can be found by clicking on the report in FMS, or by going to the new documentation. The new reports (and locations) are:
    • Annual Reports/Departmental/VP Finance Report
    • Annual Reports/Annual L-Number Report
    • Budget Reports/Detailed Project Budget Report

FMS 2.4

Below is the list of all the enhancements and bug fixes included in version 2.4, released 1/21/2015

Version 2.4 was a bug fix version, resolving a critical flaw uncovered in the release of version 2.3

  • Error Adding Money to Funding Accounts: Resolved an issue where users would receive an error stating that there was not enough money available to cover the addition to the Funding Account. This was introduced in a change in version 2.3

FMS 2.3

Below is the list of all the enhancements and bug fixes included in version 2.3, released 1/9/2015

  • Allow Admins to Modify Auto-Generated Numbers: On Funding Accounts, the auto-generated SUNY code can be overridden. In Master Accounts for schools other than SUNY Cortland, the starting sub-account number can be set.
  • Budget Tab Enhancements: Added a Change Funding Acct. button on the Budget tab for each funding account money was encumbered from for each vendor. This allows all the encumberances and payments to switch from one account to another.
  • Deleting Vendors From a Project Orphans Encumberances: Fixed an issue where encumberances would be left after removing a vendor from a project.
  • Term Contractor Payments Report Enhancements: Added funding account, project number, and broke out encumberances and payments to the Term Contractor Payments Report.
  • Funding Account Vendor Detail Report Enhancements: Added (really fixed problem where these fields were not displaying) name and project number to report. Renamed "Type" to "Doc #". Now pulling PO, contract, or PCard transaction numbers instead of just listing the type.
  • Funding Increase Security: Users are now warned when trying to create a Funding Account or increase the amount of money in a Funding Account and there is not sufficient funds available to do so.

FMS 2.2

Below is the list of all the enhancements and bug fixes included in version 2.2, released 7/14/2014

  • Term Contractor Release Form: You now have the ability to generate Term Contractor Release Forms with the click on a button. Upon expanding a Term Contract Vendor in the Budget Tab, you will notice that the Release # for encumbrances is now a link. Clicking on this link will prompt you to enter the Number of Days for the release to be completed, and clicking the ‘Print Release Form’ button at the bottom of the dialog will prompt you to download a Word Document of the Term Contractor Release Form for the release that you’ve selected. Unfortunately, this Term Contractor Release Form is tailored specifically to SUNY Cortland, however, we export this file as a Word Document to be easily edited by other schools if they choose to use this feature.
  • Construction Start/End Dates have been added to every project. These fields have been added for the purpose of generating the Project Log Report.
  • MWBE amounts can now be added per vendor in the Budget Tab. As an interim solution to capturing detailed data about amounts spent on MWBE subcontractors, we’ve provided a simple feature to collect how much total money is spent on MWBE subcontractors. When you expand a vendor in the Budget Tab, you will now see a button labeled ‘MWBE Amount.’ When clicking on this button you will be prompted to enter an amount of money that was spent on MWBE subcontractors. You can simply input any amount of money here and click on ‘Add Amount’ and the amount will be saved.

FMS 2.1

Below is the list of all the enhancements and bug fixes included in version 2.0, released 3/7/2014

  • Correct the Way Subaccount Numbers are Generated: Correct an issue where subaccount numbers were not being generated correctly when the number did not start with one. Also fixed an issue where additional numbers and dashes would be added to older account numbers and corrected data that had been generated incorrectly.

FMS 2.0

Below is the list of all the enhancements and bug fixes included in version 2.0, released 1/22/2014

  • SUNY Authentication: FMS was moved from local SUNY Cortland authentication to SUNY Central authentication. Doing so allowed other schools to connect using their own credentials.
  • Edit Funding Account Addition: The SUNY Code is now displayed when editing a Funding Account.
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